Wednesday 16 May 2012

Indian Civil Services Exam 2012-Free CSAT Model Paper 4-Part 4

Indian Civil Services Exam 2012-Free CSAT Model Paper 4-Part 4

Passage 3

Rural India faces serious shortages-Power, water, health facilities, roads etc., these are known and recognized. However, the role of technology in solving these and other problems is barely acknowledged and the actual availability of technology in rural areas is marginal. The backbone of the rural economy is agriculture which also provides sustenance to over half the country’s population. The ‘Green Revolution’ of the 1970s was, in fact, powered by the scientific work in various agricultural research institutions. While some fault the Green Revolution for excessive exploitation of water and land resources through overuse of fertilizers, it did bring about a wheat surplus and prosperity in certain pockets of the country.

In rural India today, there is a dire inadequacy of both science and technology. The scope to apply technology to both farm and non-farm activities in rural areas is huge, as are the potential benefits. In fact, crop yields are far lower than what they are in demonstration farms, where science and technology are more fully applied. Technologies that reduce power consumption of pumps are vital; unfortunately their use is minimal, since agricultural power is free or largely subsidized. Similarly, there is little incentive to optimize-through technology or otherwise-water use, especially in irrigated areas, given employment and incomes, and at present deployment of technology is marginal. Cold storage and cold-chains for transportation to market is of great importance for many agricultural products-particularly, fruits and vegetables – but are non-existent. These are clearly technologies with an immediate return on investment and benefits for all: the farmer, the end-consumer, the technology provider. However, regulatory and structural barriers are holding back investments.

Power is a key requirement in rural areas, for agricultural as well as domestic use. Technology can provide reliable power, at comparatively low cost in a decentralized manner. However, this needs to be upgraded and scaled in a big way, with emphasis on renewable and non-polluting technologies. Reliable and low cost means of transporting goods and people is an essential need for rural areas. The bullock-cart and the tractor-trailer are at present the vehicles of choice. Surely, technology can provide a better, cheaper and more efficient solution? Information related to commodity prices, agricultural practices, weather etc., is crucial for the farmer. Technology can provide these through mobile phones, which is a proven technology; however, the challenge to ensure connectivity remains. Thus there is a pressing need for technology as currently economic growth – though skewed and iniquitous – has created an economically attractive market in rural India.

60. Which of the following is/are assumed to be the role of mobile technology in the rural economy?

1. It will not play a large role since the technology is largely untested.
2. It provides opportunities for framers to manipulate commodity prices.
3. It will largely be beneficial since such technology is cheap.
Find out the correct response using the following codes?

a). 1 only
b). 2 and 3 only
c). 3 only
d) .none of the above


61. Consider the following statements

1. About 33 per cent of arable land in India is irrigated.
2. There is hardly any motivation to utilize technology to optimize water usage among farmers.
3. Climatic information can easily be made available to farmers.
Which of the above statement/s is/are true in the contest of the passage?
a). 1 only
b). 1 and 2 only
c). 2 and 3 only
d). 1,2 and 3


62. The main objective of author in the context of the passage is to

a). criticize farmers for not utilizing experimental, low cost post-harvesting technology
b). exhort the government to subsidise the cost of utilizing technology
c). promote a second Green Revolution
d). advocate broadening the scope of research and use of technology in agriculture


63. Consider the following

1. Inadequate rural infrastructure such as roads
2. Excessive utilization of technology
3. fluctuating power supply
Which of the above is/are currently not a threat to the rural economy according to the passage?

a). 1 only
b). 2 only
c). 1 and 2 only
d). 2 and 3 only


64. Which of the following is not an impact of the Green Revolution?

a). Over utilization water resources
b). Application of scientific research only in demonstration farms
c). Wealth creation restricted to certain areas
d). Supply of wheat surpassed demand


65. In a group of 6 boys and 4 girls, four children are to be selected. In how many different ways can they be selected such that at least one boy should be there?

a)     159                
b)     194                
c)      205                
d)     209                
e)     None of these


66. What is the total surface area of a right circular cone of height 14 cm and base radius 7 cm?

a)     344.35 cm2   
b)     462 cm2         
c)      498.35 cm2               
d)     None of these


67. A man has some hens and cows. If the number of heads be 48 and the number of feet equals 140, then the number of hens will be:

a)     22                   
b)     23                   
c)      24                   
d)     26


68. The product of two numbers is 9375 and the quotient, when the larger one is divided by the smaller, is 15. The sum of the numbers is:

a)     380                
b)     395                
c)      400                
d)     425


69. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'CORPORATION' be arranged so that the vowels always come together?


a)     1440  
b)     2880  
c)      50400
d)     5760


70. From the given alternative select the word which cannot be formed using the letters given in the word

b) TRAMP    



71. A man drives his car 50km towards eastward direction. He turned right went for 30km, then he turned west and drive for 10km. How far is he from the starting point?

a)  50km    


72. Raju facing north and moves 20km, then he turned to his right and moves 20 km and then he moves 10km in north-east then he turned to his right and moves 20km and then he turned to his right and moves 20km and again he turned to his left and moves 20km. Now in which direction Raju is facing? 

a) south-east   
b) north-east      
c)  south-west    
d) north-west     


Direction for the following 8 (eight) items from Q73-80

Given below are eight items. Each item describes a situation and is followed by four possible responses. Indicate the response you find most appropriate. Choose only one response for each item. The response will be evaluated based on the level appropriateness for the given situation.

Please attempt all the items. There is no penalty for wrong answers for these eight items.

73. Recently you were transferred to a new district with promotion. After the strong observation, you found that there was no basic prevalence of trust on each other among the employees resulted with the very meager co-ordination between them in all aspects. The habit of gossiping about each other and the level of politicizing the issues were seen more prominent among them which reduce the efficiency of the work to be performed. What will be the measures you adopt to rectify the above situation?

a)     As you observed the core of the problem yourself, you will be issuing the circular warning that the continuation of such a behavior would lead to the severe action.
b)     You individually in person meet up each employee to find out the problem they have in this regard and take steps accordingly.
c)You will find out the best trainer to train the key personnel with the skills of working with the team.
d)You will initiate the team building exercises gradually to make them feel the better working environment with the possible changes among them.


74.    You are a very honest person in the department and your straight forwardness is well known in the department. On this instance, one of your colleagues told you that there is a complaint of bribery raised to the senior officer against you. By knowing this,

a). you will be getting panicking about the complaint and become very upset on the regard of false complaint made.
b). you just receive what your colleague said and will be ready for the inquiry.
c). you just ignore what your colleague said because you are not sure of the authenticity of the matter told by her/him.
d). As everybody in the department knows about your honesty including your senior, You will go to the senior official and try to prove that you are not guilty with the belief that he understands you.


75. There is a new welfare scheme introduced by the government for the upliftment of the rural areas. As a district collector, you visit village by village of your district to explain the benefits of the scheme. In one of such meeting, at the feedback session, you found that all of the villagers look very blank at you and complete silence without raising any doubts or come up with suggestions. You will

a). doubt whether they understood the scheme properly and try to analyse it through few field visits.
b). find the villagers are uninterested and write the final report about the responses on this regard.
c). assume that nobody has alternative opinion on the welfare scheme as they have not raised up any comment over this.
d). feel that they are afraid of wording up their opinions for some reason and encourage them to express their views.


76. There is a significant and important policy formulated in your company. You are the head of Personnel department and need to introduce the provisions of the policy to all the employees of the company. What will be your appropriate action taken on this regard?

a). As you believe in the effectiveness of direct interaction, you will conduct the meeting and present the provisions of the policy to the employees orally.
b). You will be orally presenting the whole policy by issuing up the written copies of the same to the employees in the meeting.
c). you issue the main document of the new policy with explanation notes of each section to the employees as you feel that the written communication would better explain the policy thoroughly.
d) .None of the above


77. You are the head of the grievances cell for the employees in a district. A woman worker of a welfare department comes up with the sexual harassment complaint on the higher and experienced official who handles the tribal rehabilitation scheme which is at the finishing stage. It is the crucial stage and the efforts put up in the projected will be severely getting affected without him as he is the key person. The women employee approached you with all sorts of proof in support of her complaint. What will be your most appropriate action?

a). As the public interest involved in the project, you request the woman employee to wait for sometime till the project gets finished.
b). Explain to her the importance of the project and ask her to postpone the submission of official complaint by assuring her that you will take action again him after the completion of the project.
c). You will take action immediately against him as it is the serious issue to be rectified immediately.
d). You ask her give the written complaint officially addressing the grievance cell and assure her you will inquire on the matter accordingly.


78. You are the police official in charge of law and order of the district. It is scheduled that there is a state minister going to visit your district headquarters on supervising the execution of a new scheme. You are asked for permission to stage up the demonstration on the issues of the same scheme by some group of people in front of the minister. The leaders assured you for the peaceful demonstration. The local politicians of the political party in which the minister belongs pressurize you to take action against the leaders of protest group. What will you do?

a). You will allow the demonstration but tighten up the security with instruction of extra alertness all over the city during the visit of the minister.
b). Considering the importance of Law and Order and the consequences made on the public, you deny to give permission for the demonstration.
c) .As a law and order official of the district for quite some time, you understand the notion of the leaders very well and allow them for the peaceful demonstration.
d) .You meet the leaders of the groups personally and explain to them about the importance of law and order problem and ask them to give the written petition of the demands to be given to minister,


79. You are working along with the team on the relief measures for the tsunami hidden remote areas of a district. You and another co-worker share a kind of work which can be executed depending on each other. The work is already heavy with the greatest responsibility and the workforce is very less. In this situation, your co-worker becomes seriously ill and hospitalized. Considering the importance of the task, your project head asks you take up the additional responsibility of the work of your co-worker. On this instance, you will be overburdened along with your work. You will

a) Try to explain to your official how you are overburdened and asks for help to finish up the extra work raised at this instances.
b) Put forth the difficulty in finishing up the workload to the project head and ask him/her to assign two more persons who are working for the same for project in other areas to shoulder the enormous workload.
c) Accept the responsibility considering the special circumstances in which you are working for.
d) Get the local help from the locality to share your burden as they are aware of the present situation very well.


80. A large number of students studying in the municipal school could not pass higher secondary board exam resulted in causing frustration among the students and their parents. How can the situation be handled?

a) The Municipal authority should immediately fill up the teachers vacancies in the municipal school.
b) The Municipal authority should close down some of their schools and concentrate their attention on remaining schools to improve the conditions.
c) The Municipal authority should improve the understanding skills of the students better by adopting different methods of teaching.
d) The Municipal authority should immediately review the position and initiate measures to improve the situation.


Courtesy: P.L.Raj Memorial Coaching Centre

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